Energy and Carbon

2027 Target: Achieve carbon neutrality for Amgen-owned and -operated facilities and operations (Scope 1 and 2) and engage with 73% of our suppliers by spend in key categories to support their adoption of science-based targets (Scope 3).1

To meet our SBTi-approved 2027 Scope 1 and 2 emission targets, we are:

Driving Energy Efficiency

We optimize processes to reduce energy use, invest in energy-efficiency projects and communicate opportunities and best practices across our business. Energy-conservation teams at each Amgen manufacturing and research facility are responsible for creating and executing energy strategies aligned with our global targets.

Increasing Our Use of Renewable Electricity

Our aim is for all Amgen facilities, wherever feasible, to procure 100% renewable electricity by 2027. Across our network, each facility has a portfolio of renewable energy projects which can include both onsite and offsite production opportunities.

We assess the sustainability of all Amgen capital projects as part of our approval process, including impact for carbon. For projects that increase carbon dioxide emissions by more than 500 metric tons, we apply an internal fee of $1,000 per metric ton. We use the fees to support future carbon reduction projects.  

Moving to Electric Vehicles

We are working to convert 30% of our total fleet (measured against a 2019 baseline) to all-electric vehicles by 2027. We are selecting vehicles to maximize emission reduction based on our sales representatives' territories and the availability of low carbon-emitting electrical grid power to power electric vehicles .

To meet our SBTi-approved 2027 Scope 3 supplier engagement target, we are:

Working with Suppliers

We encourage and help our suppliers develop emission reduction plans, set science-based targets and key performance indicators, and engage in renewable electricity activities. We also work with others in our sector to encourage, educate and support suppliers in setting reduction targets, including through respective initiatives like the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative and Energize, which both aim to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions among pharmaceutical suppliers.

To track the carbon reduction activities of select suppliers, we are working with EcoVadis, a leading provider of business sustainability ratings.

Reducing Embodied Carbon through Product Design and Material Selection  

We review key materials used to manufacture and package our products to identify and implement opportunities to improve our carbon footprint. In addition, Amgen scientists focus on reducing embodied carbon during product development.   

Streamlining Shipment and Transportation

We work to identify the most efficient, reliable and cost-effective transport mode to get our products to our customers.

For more information:



  1. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approved our Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions reduction and Scope 3 supplier engagement targets in 2022.