
We work every day to achieve our 2027 environmental sustainability goals. We strive to reduce our impacts on the environment throughout our operations and value chain by reducing the natural resources we use, the emissions we produce and the waste we generate.

Amgen's Vice President of Engineering is responsible for our environmental sustainability strategy and leads Amgen's Healthy Planet Initiative Steering Committee. Cross-functional working teams support this committee to implement and integrate our environmental sustainability strategy throughout the Company.

Amgen's ESG Council receives regular updates on our environmental performance and emerging risks. Management also updates the Corporate Responsibility and Compliance Committee of our Board of Directors on our environmental sustainability performance at least annually.

Our Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policy guides our efforts globally. Each Amgen facility is responsible for environmental compliance and uses our enterprise-wide Global Environmental Tracking System to manage its environmental data. The system allows us at a corporate level to evaluate and mitigate risk, carry out documentation and training, collect, respond to and analyze incident reports, measure performance, and review trends to determine areas for improvement.

Our Corporate Sustainability team works with our sites to help identify environmental risks and opportunities and implement practices to reduce their impact on the environment. We have developed a Sustainability Maturity Matrix to support and outline best practices for Amgen-owned sites to reduce their energy and water use and divert waste from landfills. We also conduct corporate environmental audits and site self-assessments on a regular basis to monitor compliance with our environmental policy, as well as laws and regulations.

In addition to our own efforts, we work with public and private partners to address environmental challenges and identify shared areas for innovation. We are members of:

  • American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical roundtables
  • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative
  • Energize
  • The Pharmaceutical Environment Group
  • The BioPhorum Sustainability Team
  • The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals