Amgen CEO Bob Bradway hailed progress by the biopharmaceutical industry against COVID-19
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Members of Amgen’s Senior Leadership Receive Their COVID-19 Vaccines

As vaccine availability and eligibility have expanded around the world, members of Amgen’s senior leadership team were excited to take their turns to get vaccinated.

Dave Reese, Amgen’s executive vice president of Research and Development, arrived at a drive-up vaccination site in Southern California sporting his lucky “Schrodinger’s Cat” t-shirt (a nod to the famed quantum theory thought experiment from theoretical physics) to get his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dave Piacquad, Amgen’s senior vice president of Business Development, also rolled up his sleeve to get the jab and protect his family, community and co-workers, while Lori Johnston, Amgen’s executive vice president of Human Resources, braved her fear of needles to do her part in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

Darryl Sleep, Amgen’s chief medical officer, was thrilled to finally get his shot, not only to protect himself, but also to play a part in controlling the spread of the virus, saving lives and minimizing the burden on the healthcare system.

“Getting the vaccine was figuratively and literally painless,” Sleep said. “The toughest part was getting the appointment, but it’s worth it.”

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